Corrosive Vs Non-Corrosive Drain Cleaners

Corrosive Vs Non-Corrosive Drain Cleaners

Corrosive drain cleaners are a popular choice for homeowners over non-corrosive drain cleaners when looking to clear clogged drains quickly and easily. However, these cleaners can be incredibly dangerous, causing injury to plumbers or homeowners when they open up pipes or sink traps to do repairs. The chemicals in these cleaners can be corrosive and cause severe burns if they come into contact with skin or eyes. Additionally, they can damage pipes and fixtures, leading to costly repairs.

Non-corrosive drain cleaners are a much better choice for anyone looking to clear a clogged drain. These cleaners are typically made with enzymes or bacteria that break down the organic matter causing the blockage, without damaging pipes or fixtures. One of the best non-corrosive drain cleaners on the market is BioOne, which is sold exclusively by Sanders Home Services.

BioOne is a natural, eco-friendly drain cleaner that uses bacteria and enzymes to break down organic matter in drains, such as grease, oil, and hair. It’s safe for all types of plumbing and won’t damage pipes or fixtures, making it an excellent choice for both homeowners and plumbers. Unlike corrosive drain cleaners, BioOne is not harmful to the environment and can even help improve the health of septic systems by breaking down waste.

In addition to being an effective drain cleaner, BioOne is also easy to use. Simply pour the recommended amount into the drain and let it sit for several hours or overnight. The bacteria and enzymes will break down the organic matter, allowing it to flow freely through the pipes.

In the end non-corrosive drain cleaners like BioOne are a much better choice for anyone looking to clear a clogged drain. They are safer, more environmentally friendly, and won’t damage pipes or fixtures. If you’re in need of a drain cleaner, consider using BioOne, which is sold exclusively by Sanders Home Services.

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